The first comment I posted was on Nigel Howard's blog on "Tenacity and College". He spoke of freedom and being taught grit just as I would have described it, though the composition of his words is basically incomparable to mine (he writes so beautifully). I felt I could just relate to him so well because our current experiences are very similar.
"I've probably read this over three or four times by now, and what you've said resonates with me on such a dramatic level that I'm not even sure I understand it. Having freedom so close that I could practically feel it on the tips of my fingers, I'm coming to realize, is an overwhelmingly common feeling considering our circumstances. Our parents are teaching us really similar lessons, your mom talks about it in terms of windows and doors and my dad is straight up with me "you have to be clever." Telling me i have to be realistic and handle situations like an adult, use your brain and opportunities that you could have never imagined will be coming to you. Either way, I can relate to you. Grit absolutely had to be shoved in my face by someone who understands it, and it was effective. You worded this post better than I ever could have. You've really got a way with words Nigel. "
The second blog I left a comment on was Sophia Almeroth's blog. She put up a simple video of one guy dancing and how one person can impact hundreds. She made a lot of good points about the necessity of such acts in order to create change in the world today.
"Sophia, I absolutely agree with you. You've singled out such a simple moment, and brought out the true nature of the situation. That sounds pretentious types out, but it's true. The sheer simplicity of this is what makes it so amazing, one ridiculous dude starts dancing and then it's hundreds of ridiculous people dancing. All of a sudden it's a movement and you're right, something like this is so critical for our future. When you get down to the core of it, that one guy who got up and started dancing made a change and it was as simple as getting up and flailing your freaking arms around. It's not always that simple, but you pointed out that this is how we as humans create change. How applicable is this to the real world? Extremely. I think you said all of the right things in this and I appreciate your post. "